Zakat: Purifying Wealth, Enriching Lives

our goal
to go

Zakat, a fundamental pillar of Islam, serves as a means to purify oneself and one’s wealth. Zakatul Fitr, a specific form of Zakat, is an obligatory charity given at the end of the holy month of Ramadan. It is incumbent upon every adult Muslim who possesses excess food beyond their immediate needs. This act of giving not only fulfills a religious duty but also fosters a sense of communal responsibility and care for the less fortunate.

NMFUK's Role in Facilitating Zakatul Fitr

The Nigeria Muslim Forum UK (NMFUK) takes pride in facilitating the collection and distribution of Zakatul Fitr, ensuring it reaches those truly in need. Our Zakatul Fitr program offers Muslims in the United Kingdom a reliable and efficient channel to fulfill this important Islamic obligation. Through this program, we ensure that your contributions directly benefit the indigent and the poor, bringing relief and happiness during the festive period of Eid-ul-Fitr.

May Allah accept from us all, ameen.